MaxScrollLength FUNCTION Action Returns an integer that is the maximum number of positions in the specified scroll bar. Syntax variablename% = MaxScrollLength(handle%) Remarks The MaxScrollLength procedure uses the following arguments. variablename% ------------- Any BASIC variable name, including the name of a record variable or record element. handle% ------- An integer that specifies the scroll bar for which the maximum number of positions is requested. This is the number that is used to identify the scroll bar when it is opened using ButtonOpen. This can be any number between 1 and the value declared in the constant MAXBUTTON, inclusive. The MaxScrollLength procedure is used to determine how many positions your scroll bar has. Use this procedure to increment or decrement the cursor position in response to user selection of the direction arrows to move the cursor. See Also. ListBox Example See the DemoScrollBar procedure in the code example UIDEMO.BAS for a specific usage.